- President Terry Skewes praised the efforts of those who made themselves available for the the roster during Country Music. Feedback was that we were one of the best clubs in executing the tasks set. Thanks to those who participated.
- Training will now be held only on Wednesdays at McCarthy High School and will commence from 5:00pm. Players should note these changes. This decision does not effect anything which the first grade side have organised for Friday afternoons.
- Our Annual Presentation Night will be held at Tamworth City Bowling Club on Saturday 9th April from 6:30pm. Cost will be $20 a head. Bookings are essential and tickets paid for in advance. Guest speaker will be former Australian leg spinner, John Gleeson. More information shortly. An official invitation will be presented on the website and email to club members. Perpetual trophies must be handed back to a member of the Executive or team captains by 26th March at the latest.
- A selection of ladies who work hard for the club will be receiving club shirts
- All club members are asked to come and watch the 1st Grade defeat Norths in a day/night game at No 1 Oval on Saturday night. Pizza & a drink for $5 ahead or $10 a family. City will be entertaining sponsors and life members upstairs at No.1 Oval from 6:30pm
If you require any other deatils, contact Deb Batley on 0438 024567
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