Monday, April 8, 2013

Mum's are always your greatest fan.

The old No.1 Oval Grandstand can be seen here with the three gum trees behind it. Photo was taken in the floods of January 1910. Poto was taken from the Post Office.
In my younger days my mum would always come along and watch me play cricket. Although my mum didn't know anything about cricket, one Saturday afternoon at No1 Oval (when it had the old wooden Grandstand).
My mother was watching proudly (as mothers do) from the Grandstand. Next to her, a spectator turned to her.
'He's bowling well,' he said, 'But his length varies.'
'Don't be ridiculous,' interrupted my mum. 'He's five foot, eleven and a half and has been for agers!' "
GOOOOOOOOOO mum's you have to you love them CITY

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