Monday, July 22, 2013

If you can’t beat them join them.


The TDCA held a Think-tank last Sunday to discuss a range of issues relating to the upcoming season. City United was well represented at that meeting and added it’s thoughts to the season ahead. One of the items that were discussed was the Cricket balls being used both in the Tamworth Competition as well as on the representative arena.  The TDCA is looking into swapping from using Kookaburra to the Dukes Cricket ball. That’s right the kind of ball that the Poms bowlers are using to go through the Aussie batting line up at the moment.  

The AGM of the TDCA will be held on Wednesday the 31st July. City will inform it’s members of any alterations to the rules from that meeting.


GOOOOOOOOO I have spoken to both Tezza and Rhino about the swap and both said “as long as it is red and round, we will still take wickets with it.”CITY

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