Wednesday, July 10, 2013

Information about an Umpiring Course

So you need more Cricket Umpires - well here is the 2013/14 assistance package for Associations. Tamworth Umpires and Scorers Association are hosting a Law's of Cricket Training course on Sat 24th and Sunday 25th August 2013, Cricket House in Tamworth.

You are all invited to attend; promote and support members of your community to participate and learn the craft of Cricket Umpiring.

 Your assistance in circulating and promoting this course information throughout your cricket community network would be greatly appreciated. Executive Officer, NSWCUSA, Darren Goodger has agreed to personally deliver this course for Central North, but requires a minimum of 12 participants for the course to go ahead so it is really important that all interested participants register by Friday 9th August.

All course enquires should be directed to Simon Hood - Course Convenor for Tamworth,
>, Jonathon Wicks - Northern Inland Umpires President -> or myself.

It has been three years since a course has been hosted in the region due to lack of numbers so we need to work hard on getting people to commit to the course weekend and help build the delivery of cricket throughout the Zone at all levels.


Kathy Barber
Development Manager
Central Northern - 6'ers Region

Cricket NSW
Parry House - Northern Inland Academy of Sport (NIAS)
Suite 3 Ground Floor 468 - 472 Peel Street
P.O. Box 1144
Tamworth NSW 2340

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