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Thanks Simon
Lucky to have club-man like him, Simon Bellamy stepped up and took control of our after the match meal at the City Bowling Club on Saturday Night. Simon organised delivery of ten delicious pizzas. Thank you for that Simon. It was really yummy and very much appreciated.
With the shortish of players for this match, the club called upon Mark Fisher to play 3rd Grade. Mark is still wounded after breaking his ribs with a collision with Tezza Kamp in 1st Grade a few weeks ago. Mark took to the field for 3rd Grade, holding his rib cage nice and tight whenever he ran after the ball. The 3rd Grades Snickers Player of the Day Award went to, NO not to Mark but his partner Rikki for allowing him to play. Rikki has had to put up with Mark's understandable complaints and frustration with his painful situation. GOOOOOOOO to our partners, wife's, girlfriends, mums who support us in our sport at CITY
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