Sunday, January 8, 2012

TDCA Boomgate Duties - Helpers Needed!

CUCC has received our boomgate duty roster from the TDCA for 2012 CMF and is obligated to assist with operation of boom gates and the shower & canteen duties during the upcoming country music festival, our club does get compensated for these duties which helps to reduce your playing fees and equipement.

Could any City United player please contact the Club Treasurer, Kathy Lawrence on 0419 490534 if available to assist with the boom gates. In particular, we require volunteers for Sunday 22 January from 6.00am to 12 midday and Wednesday 25 January from 6.00pm through to 6.00am - these have been broken up into shifts so speak to Kathy about whats available.

In addition, we require volunteers for shower & canteen duty on Monday 16 and Tuesday 24 January from 6.00-9.30am and again on the showers at 4.00-8.00pm.

We also require helpers to assist with breakfasts at the Tamworth City Bowling Club for Bush Poets from January 20-29 from 7.30am to 11.00am daily during the festival - please contact Kathy Lawrence if you are available to help with cooking of sausages, bacon and eggs.

If you could spare some time to share the load of our clubs responsibilities during the festival, your assistance would be greatly appreciated. Any queries, please contact Kathy Lawrence ASAP.

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