Tuesday, November 19, 2013

Be afraid, very afraid


There are a few players with outstanding fees, It's our responsibility as players to ensure that we are all financial. It's also City goal that all fees are paid by the end of November. So the President has sent our own Bounty Hunter in the form of Phillip Hood. Yes Phillip will  track you down, he will call you,  yes he will pull you aside at every opportunity, he will never leaving you alone, he will want to become your bestest friend.
Scary I know so quick, we would prefer all payments are by direct deposit in to City United bank account ANZ ,BSB 012830 account 208227482. But if you are like me, and you pay by cash, it will be received with a smile. Fees can be paid to either Kathy, Nikki or Terry. If you require further time to pay your fees, please do not hesitate to contact Kathy (0419490534) now and she will discuss this matter with you. GOOOOOOOO we are expecting a rush of payments over the next few days CITY

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