Thursday, October 10, 2013


Twenty20 Cricket
The Tamworth & District Cricket Association are calling for nominations for the twenty/2o competition.  The association are looking for 1st and 2nd Grade players to take part in the competition. Players can gain more information on nominating through The Tamworth & District Cricket Association face book page. All nominations need to be in by Wednesday 16th October 2013.

 Players please note: Our treasurer Kathy Lawrence will around the grounds this Saturday chasing the few outstanding players who have not signed a registration form or paid their $65. This is a requirement before any player can take to the field. So please have your money ready for her.

Let’s not forget our Scorers/ Managers  they are a very important part of the team. Again this season City is blessed to have Nikki Handsen as our 1st Grade Scorer/ Manager, Phillip Hood as our 2nd Grade Scorer/ Manager, Marissa Lawrence as our 3rd Grade Scorer/ Manager. They have given up their valued time, for us players to enjoy our cricket. I know that we all will support them in their roles throughout the season.

GOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO every cricket match has its own story, with each player writing his own  chapter. How will your chapter of this weekend's match read? the pen is in your hands CITY

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